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test end中文是什么意思

用"test end"造句"test end"怎么读"test end" in a sentence


  • 测试端


  • The result is a tested end - to - end scenario
  • Next week , the test ends
  • The first test ended in failure last july when the missile crashed into the sea without hitting its target
  • The final software has four function levels and can run in three different modes : flight control , test end parameters tuning
  • If a test encounters a section of code that does not respond , your use of a test time - out and a test - run time - out lets the individual test end so that the test run can continue with subsequent tests
  • In addition , we conducted call tests on shanghai bell s p3s exchange and huawei s c & c08 exchange . the two exchanges were connected via lucent s sdh transmission equipment . the test ended up with successful completion of calls
    通过lucentsdh传输设备将上海贝尔p3s交换机和华为c & c08交换机连接起来,并在这两个交换机之间进行了呼叫测试,测试结果证实能够完成电话呼叫。
  • With the increasing global demand for oil and gas , the restrictions of oil and gas resources and the constraints of energy technology , the 21st century world oil industry will , compared with the 20th century world oil industry , face more severe tests end challenges , such as the restrictions of oil and gas resources , the growing demand for oil and gas , the constraints of technology , the development of natural gas resources , the exploitation of unconventional oil and gas resources , the emergence of alternative se energy , the coming of the second half oil age and so on
    摘要随着全球对油气资源需求的不断增长、石油资源量的限制及技术的制约,与20世纪世界石油工业发展相比, 21世纪世界石油工业将面临更加严峻的考验与挑战,如油气资源量的限制、需求量的不断增长、技术的制约、天然气的发展、非常规油气资源的开采、替代能源的出现和后石油时代的来临等。
用"test end"造句  
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